Our final submission on the Tobacco and Vapes bill calling for a full review of the role of the National Centre for Smoking Cessation Training and a new approach to vaping cessation and young people.
Our recommendations to Government ahead of the second reading of the Tobacco and Vapes bill on 26th Nov. Re-attach vaping to smoking for a nicotine-free future.
Our conversations with hospitals, GPs, schools, local authorities and parents have led to these 5 recommendations to 're-attach' vaping to smoking and help young people quit
Our innovative approach for a pupil-led approach to vaping discussions in schools - please let us know what you think!
Hilary’s 16th letter published July 11th in the Financial Times - Our response to Martin Wolf letter suggesting to help the NHS Labour should regulate the harmful industries causing the problems which overwhelm it
6 essential actions a Labour Government must take to help build a healthier Britain